Our Services
IRIS – Industrial Risk and Safety Solutions is your partner for Risk, Safety and Science matters. We offer a large portfolio of consulting, research and training services, tailored for the needs of your company or organisation. IRIS is focused on projects coming from different fields of industry or technology.
We base our expertise on intensive cooperation within a large network of national and international scientific institutions, companies, government agencies and emergency response organisations. Our own research work and the development of innovative approaches in the fields of safety technology and risk analytics makes us a reliable partner for solving your problems.
How we can support you
Risk and Safety
Risk and safety questions show a strong interconnection. Well founded risk and safety analysis are the basis for many technical projects. Standards and norms are important guidelines in this context, but during practical application of risk analysis, in depth analysis and interpretation of all relevant datasets and input variables is paramount.
IRIS helps you to put your risk- or safety- analysis on a solid methodical basis and offers competent support in data acquisition and data analytics. Constant improvement of own developments as well as development of new methods and procedures ensure reliable results for your project.
Environment and Technology
In our modern world nature and technology are intensively interrelated. The assessment of natural hazards and environmental risks for production sites and process plants, as well as environmental problems in normal operation and in the event of an accident requires technical expertise and a sense of proportion. The effects of climate change clearly show that the topic of natural hazards is growing steadily. Floods, forest fires or extreme weather events are just a few of the hazards that can affect process plants and production sites.
IRIS helps you to assess for your location natural hazards correctly. We offer extensive expert knowledge, both in the assessment of accident-related effects and emissions for planning purposes as well during accidents. For this purpose we also have highly efficient calculation methods and expert systems at your disposal.
Crisis and Emergency
Inadequate or missing preparedness for emergencies and crises situations can cause enormous economic damage for companies and organisations. IRIS supports you in the creation of emergency plans and crisis management systems as well as in the development of alarm and hazard control plans. We cooperate with emergency organizations, authorities and other stakeholders involved in your emergency procedures. Our expertise ranges from the chemical industry to the oil and gas sector to mining and tunneling and beyond.
We can help you to develop the basics for your crisis and emergency plans together with all your stakeholders and prepare all the necessary documents for you on request. In addition, the IRIS team offers training and exercises in the field of crisis and emergency management as well as training and further education for special branches of industry. A wealth of experience from a wide variety of areas guarantees optimal and tailor-made solutions for your company.
Research and Development
In order to ensure development in the long-term, investments in research and development are a constant companion as an enterprise. IRIS supports you in your research projects with know-how in process and plant technology, emergency planning and response, accident prevention as well as in special topics like fire and explosion protection.
For the processing of projects in the field of product development, product design or product innovation, IRIS has the necessary infrastructure and extensive specialist knowledge to support you in your research and development project. Efficient simulation infrastructure as well as modern data acquisition technology and data analytics tools form the basis for your tailor-made research and development services. In addition to that, IRIS is in constant contact with leading national and international research institutions and can rely on a solid scientific network.